
In a challenging marketplace rife with competition, ensuring that your brand remains front of mind can be tough. Loyalty programmes provide a powerful and highly effective means to stay ahead of the crowd and cultivate long-lasting relationships with your customers. Nurturing and developing customer loyalty with a carefully crafted scheme that is tailored to the needs of both your business and your customers can be transformative – delivering increased revenues of up to 20% and improved ROI on marketing spend. Our approach is proven and we’re confident we can deliver you regular, predictable and profitable customers 365 days a year.


Loyalty Strategies

We develop powerful loyalty propositions that resonate with customers

The basic principle of any great loyalty scheme will be simple – make a customer feel special and valued in exchange for their repeat custom. There are a number of models that can achieve this – points based structures, free gifts, charitable donations or discounts to name but a few – but only one will be the right fit for your business. We work closely with you to determine the best approach for you and your customers. The primary aim is to increase customer spend and frequency to deliver a robust database of loyal customers who make a significant and profitable contribution to revenues year after year. In addition, these customers can become advocates for your business, supporting customer acquisition through referrals and recommendations.

Loyalty Proposition | Programme Development | Communications Strategy | Loyalty Software | ROI Projections

CRM Marketing

We deliver increased response rates, higher revenues and improved ROI

Marketing is always more effective when it’s relevant, timely and personal. We’re experts at utilising customer databases to deliver effective marketing campaigns that engage with customers on an individual level – at scale. With sophisticated segmentation and the application of data insight we ensure every communication with customers is pertinent and appropriate, delivering profitable ROI. We can work with you to leverage your existing CRM or Customer Data cloud or you can opt for Response Works, our proprietary solution which enables highly sophisticated segmentation and data mining and can deliver GDPR-compliant tactical, automated, scheduled and loyalty-based campaigns.

CRM Marketing | Segmentation | Targeting | Personalisation | Communications Strategy

Segmentation & Targeting

We use segmentation and targeting to ensure campaigns are relevant and timely

Talking to the right customers, in the right way, at the right time sounds straightforward but in practice it requires clever segmentation and effective targeting. The application of these principles to campaigns is proven to markedly improve response and customer engagement. You will be able to tailor your communications and promotions depending on the segment – delivering a VIP approach to cohorts of customers who show increased loyalty or a differing offer to those who shop less frequently with you. Our CRM solution Response Works provides over 70 segmentation criteria which means you can be as specific or general as you like. Plus bespoke measures can be added unique to your business requirements.

Segmentation | Targeting | Personalisation | CRM Marketing | Customer Insight | Communications Strategy

Mobile & Wallet Technology

We drive customers into store with real-time, on-the-move communications

With customers bombarded by marketing messages, it can be difficult to get your business heard. By leveraging the in-built Wallet app in smartphones, our innovative mobile marketing application is a highly effective means to communicate with customers in real time, on-the-move. Messages can be triggered by location so you can communicate with customers when they’re in the vicinity of your store, driving them to the point-of-purchase. This solution is available on both Android and IOS and can be used either to enable digital loyalty or as an additional cost-effective direct marketing channel. By sending unobtrusive notifications, the customer can access promotions or marketing messages at any time, as your campaign will sit conveniently on their smartphone. With minimal opt-out rates and the ability to deliver campaigns with agility and speed, the in-built wallet functionality makes it easy for customers to share promotions, making this channel a great option for both acquisition and retention activity.

Mobile Marketing | Mobile Wallet | Push Notifications | Wallet App | Real-Time Communication

Marketing Automation

We automate communications so your customers receive the right message at the right time

A good experience with a business is taken for granted but a poor one is always remembered. Ensuring that communications to your customers are relevant, timely and frictionless through marketing automation means that you can be confident they are receiving the right message at the right time. We can support you via our solution Response Works to deliver real-time automated communications across email, SMS, social media, web, offline and our innovative the wallet application.

Marketing Automation | Communications Strategy | Customer Experience | CRM Marketing | Multi-Channel

Loyalty Tools

We facilitate powerful loyalty programmes

Loyalty is very often delivered via EPOS. But what if your current provider has no capability to deliver this functionality or you’re unhappy with its performance? Our proprietary solution Response Works enables sophisticated loyalty through a range of powerful and robust tools that facilitate points-driven loyalty programmes. Points can be attributed against a number of criteria including customer spend, online behaviour including social media activity and product category and basket referrals.

Loyalty Tools | Loyalty Software | Loyalty Strategy | Loyalty Programme | EPOS Integration

Proximity Marketing

We leverage customer location to deepen insights and inform marketing strategy

During our many years working with store-based retailers, location has become a key element of any marketing strategy for both acquisition and retention. The ability to interrogate a customer database based upon postcode is incredibly powerful. Firstly, we can use geodemographic profiling tools such as Acorn or Mosaic to overlay qualitative data onto your database and provide a better understanding of your customers. This can then be used to inform customer engagement strategies in order to improve campaign response. Secondly, geodemographic analysis can also be used to determine the potential for acquisition within proximity to store locations and identify the postcode sectors that will most likely deliver the best ROI and repsonse to any marketing activity.

Customer Profiling | Insights | Geodemographic Marketing | Retention Marketing | Acquisition Marketing

Analytics & Support

We track, measure and analyse to aid decision-making

The ability to measure and track marketing activity across channels is invaluable. Without this insight it is impossible to understand the true value and impact of marketing and determine cost-effectiveness. Response Works, our proprietary solution, has an inbuilt suite of insights and analytics tools that enable marketers to fully understand the impact of marketing activity. This intelligence delivers the ability to make strategic decisions based on facts, not assumptions, and improve control over marketing expenditure by investing in channels that deliver a real return. We can provide support if you have little data analytics capabilities in-house to interpret campaign results and make recommendations at a strategic and tactical level.

Analytics | Tracking | Customer Insight | Marketing Strategy | Business Strategy